Set of lectures for: PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters (shortened)

PPL(H) – Private Pilot License (Helicopter) (shortened course) is dedicated only to holders of at least one of the following licenses: PPL(A), LAPL(A), SPL, BPL.


Information about the PARTNER
ATO Salt Aviation cordially invites you to aircraft and helicopter training. Salt conducts aviation training at Warsaw Modlin Airport. This location, closer to Warsaw than it seems at first glance, has a fundamental advantage, which is the opportunity to gain experience in flights in controlled space, right next to large aviation.

We approach people training with us very individually, trying to recognize their specific needs and help them implement their plans for the future. This approach translates into efficiency, professionalism and safety in the aviation preparation of future and current pilots. At the same time, we do not lose an important element of aviation, which is the pleasure of flying.

Salt is also a contractor of helicopter specialist operations SPO and high-risk operations SPO HR. Flying in specialist operations requires excellent training and matching the service to the type of order. We have the necessary experience and highly qualified crews in this. More about us at and by phone at 518 111 101.
Information about the PARTNER
Declared Training Organisation (DTO) run alongside the first flying club in Poland. We focus on bringing into aviation those people whose circumstances dictate a highly individualised approach to training. We are there for everyone who is running their own business, working outside aviation, has family commitments, or for any other reasons cannot commit all their time to training. We want to specialise in training and mentoring of non-commercial pilots.
Information about the PARTNER
Information about the PARTNER
We put into your hands a modern pilot training center. Our headquarters is Gliwice Airport. Whether you want to train for a Private Pilot License (PPL) or plan a professional career, in any case, in Air4 you will receive comprehensive training for license under the supervision of available airline pilots instructors. Each of us will have the task of providing you with the knowledge and skills to perform air operations safely.
We wish you,
"Safe flights and happy landings"
Phone: 724914045
Information about the PARTNER