Information about the LECTURER

Commercial Helicopter Pilot, Merchant Navy Captain
Maritime University of Szczecin - Faculty of Navigation graduate. Passionate about sea and air.
While working at sea he went through all career steps from deck cadet to the captain position. Worked on offshore vessels on oil & gas, renewable and dredging projects, and also on SAR vessels.
Often acted additionally as Helicopter Landing Officer and Helideck Emergency Team Leader on most of the offshore vessels he served. That pushed him to pursue childhood dreams of becoming a helicopter pilot. Between sea voyages, during free time he completed modular course and obtained CPL(H) license.
He was building his flight hours and experience mainly in Poland, but also had some time flying in Norway and Scotland.
Now working as a freelance pilot and for one of local helicopter operators on sightseeing and business flights. Recently commenced work for Police Aviation Unit and is undergoing further training.
He was building his pedagogical experience working as maritime safety, DP ship manoeuvring and powerboat instructor at Maritime University in Szczecin and other venues as freelancer or subcontractor.

Subject: Operational procedures - PPL(H),
Lecture from courses :
  • "PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters" - training program 
  • "PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters (shortened) "