Janusz Jasiński graduated the Military University of Technology as a meteorologist and worked as the chief of the meteorological station in a Polish Air Force Airbase, then as a teacher and instructor in meteorology in the Polish Air Force University. Having completed his doctoral research, he has been teaching in the Military University of Technology - mainly remote sensing, meteorological instruments and measurement techniques, and meteorology for aviation. He has also been involved in developing measurements systems and applications for upper air soundings and aviation.
Janusz Jasiński graduated the Military University of Technology as a meteorologist and worked as the chief of the meteorological station in a Polish Air Force Airbase, then as a teacher and instructor in meteorology in the Polish Air Force University. Having completed his doctoral research, he has been teaching in the Military University of Technology - mainly remote sensing, meteorological instruments and measurement techniques, and meteorology for aviation. He has also been involved in developing measurements systems and applications for upper air soundings and aviation.
Meteorology - PPL(H),
Lecture from courses :
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters" - training program
"RENEWAL - Private Pilot License - PPL(A)"
Lecture from courses :
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters" - training program
"RENEWAL - Private Pilot License - PPL(A)"