Information about the LECTURER
Adrian Szymański - began his aviation adventure with aircraft modeling and took part in many modeling competitions including international ones. He continued his hobby also during his studies when, together with the scientific club, he took part in the prestigious SAE Aero Design competition in the USA. He started his aviation training with parachuting and then he trained in gliders. Currently, he is a helicopter pilot with experience on light and medium helicopters. He graduated from the Air Force Academy in the field of Aviation and Space Science with the engineer's degree in the specialty of "aircraft piloting" and the master of science degree in the specialty of "aircraft operation".
Principles of flight - PPL(H),
Lecture from courses :
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters" - training program
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters (shortened) "
Lecture from courses :
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters" - training program
"PPL(H) - Private Pilot License Helicopters (shortened) "