These Regulations constitute an integral part of the website, which is a training platform of the ATO Avioner Aviation Training Center, certified by the Civil Aviation Authority, certificate number: PL / ATO - 53 for conducting theoretical training for the licenses and ratings listed below.
The website offers ONLINE courses in the scope of knowledge required to obtain the following licenses:
- PPL(A) – Private Pilot License (Airplane)
- PPL(A) – Private Pilot License (abridged course)
- PPL(H) – Private Pilot License (Helicopter)
- PPL(H) – Private Pilot License (abridged course)
- ATPL(A) – Airline Transport Pilot License
and sessions on request:
- individual final sessions for subject
- individual consultation sessions
The contents presented during the online sessions and in the lectures are in accordance with the Training Programs for the above-mentioned courses approved by the Civil Aviation Authority and in accordance with the provisions of the European Union PART-FCL and national regulations regarding Qualification Certificates.
By purchasing an abridged training course for the PPL(A) license you confirm that you have one of the following licenses:
- PPL(A) Airplane pilot license training - you have at least one of the following licenses:
- PPL(H) or LAPL(H) helicopter pilot license
- BPL Balloon Pilot License
- PPL(H) Helicopter pilot license training - you have at least one of the following licenses:
- PPL(A) or LAPL(A) airplane pilot license
- BPL Balloon Pilot License
By using the website, you accept the terms of these Regulations and the Privacy Policy.
The owner of the website, hereinafter referred to as the AVIONER Training Center, is:
Syntecode Sp. z o.o.
Pilchowicka St. 27,
02-175 Warsaw,
Taxpayer Identification Number: 527-269-62-19
The place of providing the service is the European Union.
The prices of the courses on the website include VAT. The VAT is 23% unless stated otherwise.
The training participant who is a consumer within the meaning of the relevant provisions has the right to withdraw from the contract without giving reasons within 10 days from the date of its conclusion, by sending the Service Provider a written statement to the address provided in the "Contact" tab. According to the law, this right expires when the User starts using the purchased trainings.
User registration with the requires the purchase of a training - an entire course, a subject, or a lecture - one of those offered in the form in the "I want to fly" tab or the purchase of participation in an online consultation session. By creating a new account, the participant gets access to the purchased lectures, subjects, entire courses or participation in a purchased online meeting with a lecturer. The User undertakes to provide true data in the registration form. It is forbidden to create multiple accounts by one person or share one's account with other people.
The account name (login) must be an e-mail address of the registering User and it cannot be changed during the period of using the website. The account name will not be visible to other website Users.
The User undertakes to keep the password of access to the website confidential.
The accounts of Users who do not comply with the rules of these Regulations may be blocked or removed. The training participant may at any time resign from using the website and may have the account deleted by sending the appropriate information to the address of the ATO AVIONER Training Center provided in the "Contact" tab. In case the training participant, for reasons attributable to them, resigns from the service after starting to use it, their fee for the unused part of the subscription is not refundable.
The administration of the ATO Avioner Training Center reserves the right to withdraw from the provision of the training service in the scope selected or purchased by the User if the User does not comply with the provisions of these Regulations.
The access to the paid training service is started after the amount due has been credited to the account of the ATO AVIONER Training Center.
Sessions on request require the payment to be made at the latest on the next day. In case the payment is not made, the sessions are removed from the system 48 hours after registration or booking.
The time of access to the purchased training is counted from the day of activating it by the website administration:
- PPL(A) - full course 70 days
- PPL(A) - abridged course 43 days
- PPL(H) - full course 70 days
- PPL(H) - abridged course 43 days
- ATPL(A) - full course18 months
- session on request (consultation / final)according to the purchased hours
The certificate of the training completion may be issued not earlier than after:
- PPL(A) - full course 25 days
- PPL(A) - abridged course 21 days
- PPL(H) - full course 25 days
- PPL(H) - abridged course 21 days
- ATPL(A) - full course180 days
from the start of the training.
The access to the lectures is blocked after the paid training period expires. The data stored in the Participant's account is not automatically deleted after the subscription expires. The ATO AVIONER Training Center is obliged to delete all personal data of a Participant at their request. However, this does not apply to data related to the training process. In accordance with the PART-FCL licensing provisions, this information must be stored for five years.
Extension of the training period is possible by using the functionality of the website, where each Participant individually will be informed about the upcoming date of the end of the course - 25% of the training duration before the date of closing the access. In the Participant's profile (after logging in, in the upper right corner of the screen) a message will be displayed about the upcoming date of the course end. The cost of purchasing an extension of the course duration is detailed in the price list of
In case of trainings for juveniles, we reserve the right to block them if we do not receive by post the notarized original of the signed "Parental / legal guardians’ consent" within 20 days from the date of the course activation.
By registering with you consent to the processing of your personal data by the ATO AVIONER Training Center in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws of 1997, No. 133, item 883, as amended), for purposes related to using the website, sending commercial and advertising information, settling transactions and collecting general demographic information about the participants of the training. At any time, you can opt out of receiving commercial information from us (including news about promotions on the site) - the ability to use the service is not dependent on your consent to receive commercial information.
At the same time, you also agree to share your personal data, i.e. your name, telephone number and e-mail address, with our partners - certified air training centers interested in offering you practical training.
When registering for a selected training with the ATO AVIONER Training Center website, you undertake to post a photo of your face when filling out the registration form. This is required for the lecturer to identify trainees participating in online sessions.
Detailed rules of your data usage are governed by the Privacy Policy.
Educational materials within the website are protected by copyright pursuant to the Act on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 1994, No. 24, item 83 with amendments).
Educational materials made available by the ATO AVIONER Training Center within paid courses may be used only by people who have paid for the subscription to use the course. The training participant (who has the paid subscription) may print materials from the site for their personal use without the right to disseminate them.
Individual lectures of the offered courses may contain additional downloadable materials that Users may distribute. These materials may be disseminated only in their original form. The distributable materials will contain information about this possibility.
If you want to use materials from the website, of which the ATO AVIONER Training Center has proprietary copyrights, you have to obtain the Center's written consent and conclude a separate agreement.
The ATO AVIONER Training Center reserves the right to periodically update the contents of the offered training and to modify the lectures therein.
Using the website requires the computer to comply with the following technical specification:
- Using a web browser with the html5 support (e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Safari, EDGE) in the latest version.
- No javascript lock in the web browser.
During the period of the planned training activities, the training participant has the right to use the online:
- teaching aids and audiovisual resources available at;
- Training Instructions of the ATO AVIONER Training Center, Operations Manual of the ATO AVIONER Training Center and other sources of navigational and motor information, to the extent necessary to expand the theoretical knowledge and made available on request by the administration of the website.
The training participant has the right to address the instructors conducting their trainings with matters related to their training. If this option is used without satisfactory results, they may address the Head Trainer (HT).
The ATO AVIONER Training Center issues the training completion certificates containing the mark (passed or failed) to the participants according to the template attached to the Training Instruction. At the request of a training participant who has failed to complete the training, the ATO AVIONER Training Center issues a certificate containing information about the completed scope of the incomplete (failed) training, based on the partial credits reports generated and stored by the website.
The website may be used by means of desktop computers or tablets connected to the Internet. The correct playback of lectures depends on the speed of the User's Internet connection. The ATO Avioner administration recommends the Internet connection speed of not less than 10 Mb/s (download) and 2 Mb/s (upload).
During theoretical training, the participant has the right to:
- make use of the help of the theoretical training instructor (GI) for each subject in order to overcome difficulties in reasoning and to master the knowledge within the subject;
- change the date of the final exam of the subject or topics group of the subject specified in the theoretical training plan (online session) or the decision of the Head Trainer (HT) regarding the additional (correction) exam.
- to choose the form of individual online session credit - individual final session for subject (additional fee)
NOTE: For changing the date of an online session (final exam) at the participant's request, if it is not justified by the participant's illness or other important documented reasons, the ATO AVIONER Training Center may request an additional fee from the participant according to the Center's price list. The ATO AVIONER Training Center cannot be held culpable for failing to meet the deadline for completing the training in case of delay in training resulting from supplementary training or due to the change of the exam date made by the training participant.
A complaint submitted by a training participant about non-performance or improper performance of the purchased training should be made in writing and it should contain:
- name, surname and contact details of the person lodging the complaint,
- name of the account of the User lodging the complaint,
- the subject of the complaint including the circumstances justifying the claim,
- signature of the person lodging the complaint and date of the letter.
The complaint should be sent by e-mail or post to the address of the ATO AVIONER Training Center provided in the "Contact" tab. The complaint will be considered within 14 days from the date of its reception, unless the relevant provisions set a different date.
The training participant is obliged to:
- comply with the training plans (online sessions and the duration of the online course) delivered or made available to them by e-mail (theoretical training) and turn up on time for all planned (declared by the participant) online sessions;
- use the available functionalities of the website in a manner safe for the IT system;
- comply with other generally accepted norms and provisions of these Regulations.
The participant of the PPL(A) theoretical training is obliged to:
- assimilate the training knowledge in accordance with the theoretical training period granted on the website;
- view only online all lectures and take in person all tests assigned to individual lectures;
- watch the lectures no more than 8 hours a day;
- participate in person in the obligatory classes on the dates indicated in the training plans - online sessions.
- remain on camera during the online session at the request of the lecturer (use a device with a microphone and a camera during the session).
The participant of the ATPL(A) theoretical training is obliged to:
- assimilate the training knowledge in accordance with the theoretical training period granted on the website;
- view only online all lectures and pass all tests assigned to individual lectures in person - the first phase of the training;
- watch the lectures no more than 8 hours a day;
- complete the self-teaching on the PADPilot platform - the second phase of the training;
- participate in online sessions in person - the third phase of the training;
- participate in person in five online sessions of the Area 100 KSA - the fourth phase of the training;
- remain on camera during the online session at the request of the lecturer (use a device with a microphone and a camera during the session).
NOTE 1: the participant of the online session is obliged to get involved in its course by answering questions addressed directly to them by the lecturer. A gross lack of response to lecturer's direct questions during the online session gives the lecturer the right to prevent the participant from taking the final test. The participant has to take part in the session again in the next planned date to take the exam.
NOTE 2: the participant of the online session is obliged to solve the final test on their own. When taking the test, the student undertakes to provide the lecturer with the image from the camera of their device. If the lecturer finds out during the online session that the student engages third parties to answer the questions of the final test, the lecturer has the right to exclude the student from continuing the test and reject their result.
The condition of successful completing the training in the selected course is to view all online training lectures (and pass all the step tests) and to take part in the online sessions for each subject (and pass the final exams) in the granted time of access to the system.
The conditions for successful completion of the ATPL(A) training include:
- viewing all lectures of the online training (and passing the step tests there) - the first phase of the training
- completing the self-teaching on the PadPilot platform - the second phase of training (ATPL license)
- passing all final online sessions with the exams in each subject - the third phase of the training (ATPL license)
- participating in five sessions of the Area 100 KSA - the fourth phase of training (ATPL license).
NOTE 1: in case of failure to pass the final test during the online session, the participant may run the test again during the session. A participant who fails twice to pass the test in one online session may participate in another online session for the subject. In case the participant again fails twice to pass the exam during the second online session, they are obliged to purchase another training in the subject. Then the participant has to watch again all lectures of the subject, pass the step tests during the lectures, participate in the online session with the lecturer, and take the final test with the option of two attempts. In the ATPL(A) license training, however, participants are entitled to only one attempt to pass the test during each online session, while maintaining a total of four attempts across all sessions. Additionally, to be eligible to take the test during the session, participants must have attended the required number of hours for that subject.
The training participant undertakes to refrain from any actions that could interfere with the proper functioning of the website, or which might in any way hinder the use of the website by other participants of the training. The training participant undertakes to refrain from any attempts to access the resources collected on the website for which they are not authorized. It is forbidden to use automated tools that send data to the servers of the ATO AVIONER Training Center or download data from them.
The ATO AVIONER Training Center is not responsible for any difficulties in using the website remaining on the User's side, i.e. improper software, hardware or Internet connection. The Center's administration makes sure that the website works reliably. Nevertheless, we allow for the possibility of short technical breaks if maintenance is required.
In case of the availability breaks longer than 12 hours we declare compensations by extending the time of access to the purchased trainings. All compensations will be made at the User's request within five working days from the date of the failure.
The ATO AVIONER Training Center reserves the right to amend the Regulations in accordance with the applicable legal regulations.
This version of the Regulations is in effect.
The online payment services are provided by Blue Media S.A.
Available payment methods:
Credit cards:
- Visa
- Electron Visa
- MasterCard
- MasterCard Electronic
- Maestro
If case of returning funds for a transaction made by the customer with a credit or debit card, the seller will deduct from the returned funds the costs of the transaction made with the card of the Ordering Party to the seller's bank account.
The service delivery time is counted from the moment of obtaining the positive payment authorization.
A customer has the right to withdraw from the service within 14 days without giving any reason.
However, the commencement of training is considered to be the performance of the service.