ATO Avioner Aviation School - Welcome

Fill out the form below and start training.
* - mandatory field
You are not yet 18 years old. Formally, we need the consent of your parents / legal guardians in order to activate the course you are buying.
  1. Download the form here
  2. Print it and then ask both parents / legal guardians to complete and confirm acceptance of your training at ATO Avioner.
  3. The signature / signatures of parents / legal guardians on the completed consent form must be notarized.
  4. Upload a copy of the signed 'Parental consent' to your account at ATO Avioner at the time of registration or later - Student's menu, and send the original of the document by post to the address of the ATO Avioner School.
  5. You can activate your training after placing a copy of the 'Parental consent' and the bank payment confirmation in the system.
  6. We expect you to send the original 'Parental consent' to us within 7 days of registering your account here.
  7. We reserve the right to block your training if we do not receive the 'Parental consent' within 14 days of the date of the course activation.
  8. In such a situation (see point 7) the fee paid for the started training is not refundable.

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VAT invoice

If you are a citizen of a country other than those of the European Union, and you want to conduct the training online from territory of Poland, we must obtain the consent of the local aviation authority (Polish) for your training at ATO Avioner. This is required by Polish regulations.
To do this, please complete the following procedure:
  1. Download the form located here
  2. Print it and then fill out points: 3, 4 and 9 and sign on page 2, 3 and 4 fields marked with "Date, Candidate signature",
  3. Additionally attach a notarized copy of the residence permit document in Poland and the Passport’s copy on the page with the photo.
  4.  Send the signed document in the original (with original signatures), by post, to the following address:
Syntecode Sp. z o.o. (ATO Avioner)
ul. Pilchowicka 27 /4
02-175 Warszawa

We will start the procedure of submitting the application for consent for the training after receiving the payment for the course ordered.
School regulationsPrivacy policy
GDPR statement
Attention! You will have the right to receive the training certificate and start practical training in the air only if you purchase the entire course, view all the lectures and pass the step and final tests in all subjects.
The Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Operator's Qualification Certificate may granted to a person at least 18 years old.
The PPL(A) - Private Pilot License may be granted to a person at least 17 years old but they may start training when they are 16 years old.
You can obtain the Private Pilot License for Helicopters (PPL(H)) at the age of 17, but you can start practical training at the age of 16.
The PPL(H) – Private Pilot License for Helicopters (shortened course) is only dedicated to holders of a (valid) PPL(A), LAPL(A), CPL(A), or ATPL(A) license.
You may get a glider pilot license at the age of 16 but you may start the training when you are 14 years old.
The SPL training - glider pilot license (abridged course) is dedicated only to the holders of at least one of the following licenses: PPL (A), PPL (H), LAPL (A), LAPL (H), BPL.
PPL(A) - Private Pilot License (abridged course) is dedicated only to the holders of at least one of the following licenses: PPL(H), LAPL(H), SPL, BPL.

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If you do not have the ICAO Certificate, before you start your ATPL course you need to take an exam to confirm your skills in English.
  1. You need to purchase an additional one-hour session to confirm your language skills with our teacher.
  2. The detailed instructions on how to purchase the session will be sent to you by e-mail along with the order confirmation.
  3. You will be granted access to the training after you have completed the test session and paid the ATPL course fee.


Information about the PARTNER
BIALOT © Twoja droga do licencji PPL(A)

BIALOT to nowoczesna szkoła lotnicza oferująca szkolenie praktyczne do licencji pilota turystycznego -PPL(A) oraz szkolenie do uprawnienia VFR NOC. Nasza baza operacyjna to lotnisko Krywlany w Białymstoku, gdzie szkolimy na dwóch nowoczesnych typach samolotów - Tecnam P2008JC oraz Diamond DA40. Oferujemy elastyczny grafik dopasowany do potrzeb ucznia, dużą dostępność samolotów oraz młodą, dynamiczną kadrę instruktorską.

Zapraszamy do kontaktu:
+48 536 926 959
Information about the PARTNER
Information about the PARTNER
We are an exceptionally professional organisation who are certified in accordance with the requirements of PART- FCL Approved Training Organisation. “Adriana Aviation” has been well equipped with a modern training base, with great social facilities for students and passengers, a wonderful hotel inside a fantastically well converted traditional farm building. We have an exceptionally accomplished team that are dedicated to helping our clients achieve whatever they desire from aviation. Adriana Aviation will help You to make Your dream true.
Information about the PARTNER
Aeroklub Ziemi Pilskiej działa nieprzerwalnie od 1990 roku. Nasze stowarzyszenie w swojej strukturze posiada certyfikowaną organizacją szkolenia zarejestrowaną w ULC pod nr PL/ATO-42. Jesteśmy jedynym czynnym aeroklubem na terenie Północnej Wielkopolski.

Aeroklub Ziemi Pilskiej realizuje teoretyczne i praktyczne szkolenia lotnicze w zakresie licencji: SPL, LAPL(A) i PPL(A).

Szczegółowe informacje uzyskasz pod numerem telefonu: +48 606 765 402 (Dyrektor AZP), +48 601 055 713 (Szef Szkolenia).
Information about the PARTNER